

I have to be honest with you all. I just want a place to post my unadulterated thoughts on topics that I like to talk about. Another intent is to write about topics that I believe may be helpful to others. Plenty of blogs talk specifically about one topic consistently and do it very well. This isn’t one of those blogs. I have a handful of topics that I’m interested in, so I’ll talk about all of them. I’ll use tags to help you all get to the stuff that you care about.

Lots of talk about data science and analytics, including personal projects that I’m working on. A bit of conversation about life and career. Some chat about personal finance and investing. A few of my thoughts on tech. You know, that type of stuff. I’ll probably write about something outside of those buckets. I’m sorry in advance.

I’ll try to release posts as often as possible. But honestly, I’ll just post when I feel like I have something important to say. Stay tuned.

Written on January 15, 2019